In 2008, I was commissioned by Mark Lane, the Head Gardener of Buckingham Palace to carry out a Condition Survey Report on the Pulhamite rockwork in the palace gardens. The following Spring, we returned and carried out Phase 1 of the recommended repairs and renovation work.
Below are a selection of photos showing the scope of the work carried out.
This particular planter contained a mature Mulberry tree. Over the years, the root structure had forced out the sides of the planter, to the point where large chunks of the brick clinker construction fell out. Luckily, the largest piece had been saved by the gardeners, and we were able to restore this in situ.
Following on from the last photo, here we see the broken piece of rockwork back in position and pinned to the rest of the planter structure using stainless steel dowels and epoxy resin. The piece could not be fitted precisely in its old position because the growing tree roots had distorted the shape of the planter.
The gaps between the newly re-fixed broken section were filled with pieces of brick clinker, cemented in around the stainless steel dowels
A base render coat was applied over the repaired areas, and scratch keyed to give mechanical adhesion to the following top render coat
This photo shows the completed work to this planter
Elsewhere we carried out repairs to cracks, such as photographed here. This crack to a planter wall was caused by root growth from the adjacent planting. it was raked clean prior to filling